You control your chaos.
No one controls you other than you.
It’s not up to us what gets thrown at us from life. However, inside of that chaos there is control in how you react and respond to it.
How do you operate and navigate the chaos inside of your life?
For many, chaos comes and they lose it.
You may not be in a place in your life where you have the perspective to see, but try to see it from a new perspective.
Maybe you do have control inside of your chaos. You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond.
Do you move forward from chaos powerfully or not powerfully?
The chaos always comes. The people who prepare are in a position to take advantage of it.
What can you do to move through the chaos?
You have control over yourself and your reality.
Are you making the deposits now to prepare yourself?
In this episode of the Integrity Bank podcast, Nate talks about the chaos that will inevitably happen in your life. How do you operate and navigate in the chaos that happens to you?
Previously recorded by Evan Johnson and published on natebaileyspeaks.com.
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The post Integrity Bank 52: You Control Your Chaos appeared first on The Good Men Project.